Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Journey to the Hidden Underground Swamp [A Destiny Alpha Picture Story]

My Journey to the Hidden Underground Swamp
[A Destiny Alpha Picture Story]

After travelling for what seemed like forever on my Sparrow...

 ...it appeared like I had finally reached the end of the road.

 I turned to my right to begin the long trip back when I realized I was not alone. There before me stood a large Hive tower, surrounded by level ?? enemies. All odds were against me, and against my better judgement, I decided to head in anyway.

 After a few...um..hickups...trying to elude the seemingly impossible to defeat Hive Shrieker guarding the door...

... I managed to get passed by way of my trusty Sparrow.

 Inside the swampy cave where several more of these level ?? Hive enemies including 2 or 3 level ?? Wizards.

 Unable to defeat them, I began to run. In a last ditch effort to survive, I darted down a dark side tunnel. That is where I saw it; A giant Hive Ogre. It fired lasers at me from its eyes and swung at me with club like clawed fists.

 (oops, how'd that get in there??)

Finally escaping out the back end of the cave through a long, winding, green lit tunnel...

... I was out into familiar territory, and headed back to the tower to share my findings with the other guardians.

Thanks for reading. :)
Some Bonus pictures from my Destiny Alpha adventures below: