My Journey to the Hidden Underground Swamp
[A Destiny Alpha Picture Story]
After a to elude the seemingly impossible to defeat Hive Shrieker guarding the door...
Inside the swampy cave where several more of these level ?? Hive enemies including 2 or 3 level ?? Wizards.
Unable to defeat them, I began to run. In a last ditch effort to survive, I darted down a dark side tunnel. That is where I saw it; A giant Hive Ogre. It fired lasers at me from its eyes and swung at me with club like clawed fists.
Finally escaping out the back end of the cave through a long, winding, green lit tunnel...
... I was out into familiar territory, and headed back to the tower to share my findings with the other guardians.
Thanks for reading. :)
Some Bonus pictures from my Destiny Alpha adventures below: